Here in Wisconsin, mosquitoes seem to take over once the summer weather hits. Not only do they cover us in itchy mosquito bites, they seem to take great pleasure in driving us indoors during the best part of the year. Terminix Wil-Kil understands how annoying these biting insects can be, which is why we’ve put together a few mosquito prevention tips.
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If you search “mosquito bite prevention” online, a whole plethora of ideas will pop up, some more absurd or foolish than others. Eating garlic at every meal may help keep mosquitoes at bay, but you can be sure it will repel your family and friends too. Standing in the breeze when you spend time outdoors is all well and good, unless there’s no wind. The most basic and effective techniques to prevent mosquito bites this summer are tried and true and really simple:
- Try to remain indoors during peak mosquito hours. Typically dawn, dusk and early evening are when mosquito activity is highest.
- Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing. Long sleeved shirts and pants are recommended but a challenge in hot weather.
- Apply an insect repellent. Before using on yourself or other family members, we encourage you to speak with your family doctor about which type to use.
Get rid of mosquitoes in your backyard
Did you know female mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water? They do, and frankly any standing water will do! To reduce potential mosquito breeding sites in your back yard, you must be diligent in your efforts to reduce areas where water collects. We recommend:
- Removing old tires, appliances, tin cans, bottles, and other unused items.
- Turn over wheelbarrows, buckets and flower pots.
- Replace water in bird baths, children’s wading pools and outdoor pet dishes regularly.
- Keep outdoor trash cans covered.
- Repair outdoor leaks around faucets and air conditioning units.
- Mow your lawn frequently and keep trees and shrubs trimmed.
Although getting rid of mosquitoes completely is nearly impossible, Terminix Wil-Kil pest control can provide you some relief. Our professional mosquito control in Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin provides temporary protection for special events. We also offer the option of continuous coverage throughout mosquito season.
Click here to learn more about our mosquito control services or contact us today for more information.
This blog was originally published on July 15, 2011. It has been updated to reflect the most recent and accurate information available in helping you combat frustrating mosquitoes.
Don’t Let Mosquitoes Ruin Your Summer Event in Sun Prairie, WI
Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across WI.