5 01, 2015

WEAU Eau Claire “Hello Wisconsin:” Keeping the Bed Bugs at Bay

January 5th, 2015|Bed Bugs, Bed bugs, News|

Christmas may be over, but the travel rush continues. Check out this segment featuring Shane McCoy, director of quality and technical training, to arm yourself with bed bug preparedness tips before your next getaway!

19 12, 2014

There’s No Need To Fear, Bed Bug Dogs Are Here!

December 19th, 2014|Bed Bugs|

Imagine you are driving down your street, and as you go to pull into your driveway, you notice that your neighbors house looks like a scene right out of the X-files. Giant hoses run from several windows down to official looking machines littered about the lawn. What would your first response be? Probably something like, "great! The neighbors have bugs." This would be followed by a quick mental checklist of how many times your neighbors have visited your house in the last year. It is only natural. You'll want to protect your family.

8 12, 2014

NBC 15 Madison: Bed bug awareness

December 8th, 2014|Bed Bugs, News|

Terminix Wil-Kil’s Shane McCoy, director of quality and technical training, Mike Zemanovic, K-9 specialist, and Max the bed bug sniffing beagle made a visit to NBC 15 to talk about the important topic of bed bug awareness, especially during key travel times.

3 12, 2014

The Quick Facts On Bed Bug Inspections And Heat Treatments

December 3rd, 2014|Bed Bugs|

Are you planning on getting a heat treatment to rid your home of bed bugs?

27 11, 2014

The Biggest Threat To Bed Bugs: Heat

November 27th, 2014|Bed Bugs|

You've heard the old saying, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen?". Well, in the case of bed bugs it's, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the house." If you've discovered bed bugs in your home, someone may have told you this already. Heat is how you get bed bugs out. But heat alone will not solve a bed bug problem.

20 11, 2014

WTMJ 4 Wisconsin Tonight: Bed Bug Prevention for Holiday Travel

November 20th, 2014|Bed Bugs, News|

Randy Allen, regional manager, Rick Schoening, K-9 scent detection specialist, and Max, Terminix Wil-Kil’s bed bug sniffing beagle, made a visit to Wisconsin Tonight to talk all about bed bug prevention during the busy holiday travel season. Check it out!

13 11, 2014

How NOT To Bring Bed Bugs Home For The Holidays

November 13th, 2014|Bed Bugs|

Do you have college-age kids? This is when they'll be coming home on break. It will be a time of smiles, laughter and gifts. A time to hear stories of life in the dorms, talk about future plans, and hear how classes have been going. However, it could also be a time of gestation. Often, unknowingly, your kids bring bugs home with them.

5 05, 2014

How To Identify Bed Bugs In Wisconsin

May 5th, 2014|Bed Bugs|

For more than 30 years, the National Pest Management Association has celebrated Bed Bug Awareness during the month of April. This year was no different, the NPMA spent April 20th-26th spreading awareness and preventive information about this dreaded pest.

17 04, 2014

Terminix Wil-Kil’s Bed Bug Boot Camp May 20 for Milwaukee-Area Businesses

April 17th, 2014|Bed Bugs, News|

Experts to discuss challenges and solutions in ongoing bed bug battle  

25 03, 2014

WKOW: Bed bugs on the rise during spring travel season

March 25th, 2014|Bed Bugs, Bed bugs, News|

It's that time of year yet again...time for fun, sun and walks in the sand, but if you're a spring breaker, beware. Here are some great tips for you to help ensure you don't bring home more than souvenirs and a sunburn.

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