Holiday pest prevention may not be on the top of your list of to-dos, but it should be! The Eau Claire pest control professionals at Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control know that if your home is riddled with pests, you will not be enjoying this coming holiday season! Luckily there are a lot of things you can do to prevent pests like pantry bugs, rodents, roaches and bed bugs from invading your home in the holiday season and most of them are pretty simple! Here is how you can avoid an infestation of pests for the holidays so that you can enjoy this season in a pest-free home.

You need to be aware of bed bugs while traveling. These blood sucking pests are great hitchhikers and can be picked up while staying in hotels or with friends or family. You can even pick bed bugs up while in a retail store, library, movie theater or in public transportation. To make sure your home is bed bug free for the holidays, look out for signs of bed bugs that include reddish brown bed bug fecal spots on bedding or furniture, shed bed bug skins and little red bed bug bites upon your skin after waking. If you suspect bed bugs in your home, the easiest thing you can do is call in the Wisconsin pest professionals to perform a bed bug inspection. This service can tell you definitively whether or not you have bed bugs; we can also offer bed bug treatments to eliminate these pests if necessary.

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Pests like rodents will be looking for a good place to spend the holidays (as well as the whole winter season) and if you’re not careful, you will end up playing host to these pests. To prevent rodents, eliminate possible areas of entry around your home and put your food under lock and key. Well, maybe you don’t need to go to that extreme, but don’t leave food on countertops, store food in your cupboards in heavy duty plastic or glass containers and make sure to keep your kitchen clean and crumb free! Rodents can cause structural damage to your home and spread disease to your family through their droppings; if you suspect a rodent infestation in your home already, contact the professional pest control experts at Terminix Wil-Kil today for rodent control services.

Cockroaches in Wisconsin will enjoy your holidays as much as you do. Leaving food out on the counters and letting your sanitation practices slip can invite cockroaches into your home, which can spread disease to you and your family. Prevent cockroaches by cleaning your home regularly, never leaving food out on the counter or dirty dishes in the sink and taking the trash out daily.

Insects like the Indian meal moth and other pantry pests can infiltrate your food products, causing your holiday meals to be spoiled. To prevent these pests, always throw away food and grains in your cupboards that have passed their expiration date and be sure to store packaged food in your cupboards in air-tight containers. You will also want to pay special attention to the food you bring into your home to make sure it is not already infested with pantry pests.

If you are worried about pests in your home this holiday season, calling in a pest control company for service is the best thing you can do. At Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control we offer our Home Protection plan for year round home pest control to protect your home from the invaders that are looking to get inside during every season. This service provides a customized initial service to determine your specific pest problems as well as follow up inspections and preventative treatments to eliminate the pests that are present and any pests that may be a problem in the future.

Contact us today for services you can trust in Eau Claire, Madison, Green Bay, and Milwaukee and throughout our service area so that you may enjoy your holidays this year and keep them pest-free!

Keep An Eye Out For These Holiday Pest Invaders in Sun Prairie, WI

Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across WI.

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Madison | Green Bay | Eau Claire | Oshkosh | Kenosha | Racine