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2804, 2022

Why You Should Treat for Pests Outside

April 28th, 2022|Blog, Commercial, Residential|

  With the weather starting to heat up as the spring and summer seasons roll around, your days have likely begun to be filled with walks outside, playing in the park, and dining on patios [...]

3003, 2022

Overwintering Pests and What to do About Them

March 30th, 2022|Blog, Residential|

As the weather starts to warm and summer days are on the horizon, the last thing you want to worry about is a pest invasion in your home. During winter months, pests seek shelter indoors [...]

101, 2022

Winter Bird Control for Commercial Businesses

January 1st, 2022|Bird control, Blog, Commercial|

  Winter has officially begun! Snow is falling, ice has started to gather on storm drains, and most birds have made their seasonal southbound departure for warmer weather. Unfortunately, some bird breeds didn’t get the [...]

1311, 2021

Rodent Prevention Tips for Your Home this Fall

November 13th, 2021|Blog, Residential, Rodents|

As colder months approach we all love to stay warm and cozy in our homes, but how do we prevent rodents from doing the same? Before freezing temperatures sneak up, fall is the perfect time [...]

1310, 2021

Orb Weaver Spiders: Are they Dangerous?

October 13th, 2021|Blog, Spiders|

As temperatures begin to dip as part of the regular Wisconsin autumn, you may notice the increased presence of spiders in and around your home or business. Many spiders increase their activity in the fall. [...]

1808, 2021

Asian Lady Beetles: How to Keep These “Bad Ladybugs” Out of Your Home

August 18th, 2021|Beetles, Blog|

Asian Lady Beetles might be pleasant to look at, but they can definitely become a nuisance to deal with when found around your home. Also known as lady beetles, these insects are commonly found in [...]

Blog in Sun Prairie, WI

Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across WI.

Serving Sun Prairie | Chippewa Falls | Menomonee Falls | Appleton

Madison | Green Bay | Eau Claire | Oshkosh | Kenosha | Racine

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