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19 06, 2022

Common Ticks in Wisconsin and the Illnesses They Carry

June 19th, 2022|Ticks|

Ticks are a part of life in Wisconsin and across the Midwest. These tiny bloodsuckers latch on, and never want to let go. As the [...]

16 10, 2020

Fall & Winter 2020 – What To Expect

October 16th, 2020|Beetles, Blog, Fall Pests, Pest Prevention, Pests, Ticks, Wisconsin Pest Control|

Learning to brave freezing cold temps and snowpocalypses is a prerequisite to be a Wisconsin resident – doing it in shorts is optional. In addition [...]

10 06, 2019

Your 2019 Tick Season Update

June 10th, 2019|Blog, Mosquito control, Mosquito control, Ticks|

As we get closer and closer to summer in Wisconsin, outdoor activities are a must. Whether you are hiking or playing frisbee in your backyard, [...]

15 05, 2017

Deadly Tick-Borne Virus in Wisconsin: Get the Facts

May 15th, 2017|Ticks|

Earlier this year, the National Pest Management Association predicted an earlier boost in tick population in the Midwest due to our unusually warm winter with [...]

13 04, 2017

What Our Warm Winter Means for Ants, Mosquitoes and Ticks This Summer

April 13th, 2017|Ants, Mosquitoes, Ticks, Wisconsin Pest Control|

The forecast calls for an extra buggy spring and summer! We all enjoyed the warm winter we had this year, but so did many insects. This [...]

28 08, 2013

Menomonee Falls Patch: Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control’s Pest of the Month: Ticks!

August 28th, 2013|News, Ticks|

Except for spiders, no other critter gives people the heebie jeebies more than ticks. Ticks are well known bloodsucking external parasites of humans, pets, livestock and wild animals. They are also vectors of a wide variety of disease-causing organisms to animals and are second only to mosquitoes in terms of public health importance.

24 07, 2013

WISN – ABC 12 – New Aggressive tick spotted in Wisconsin

July 24th, 2013|News, Ticks|

Terminix Wil-Kil's Shane McCoy, Technical Training Director, talks about the explosion of ticks in Wisconsin this summer as well as a new tick, the Lone Star Tick, spotted in Wisconsin.

7 05, 2012

Helpful Tips To Avoid Ticks

May 7th, 2012|Pest Prevention, Ticks|

It was a mild winter and an early start to the spring for many in Wisconsin, and already it is time to bring out the grill  and plan some outdoor activities and maybe even a hiking trip. For those eager to enjoy the spring season outside, a word of caution. Ticks in Wisconsin have made an early return along with the spring and unfortunately people and pets may be on the receiving end of a tick bite.

24 05, 2011

How To Avoid A Tick Bite

May 24th, 2011|Pest Prevention, Ticks|

Lyme disease is a potentially serious bacterial infection caused by the bite of an infected Black Legged tick, also known as a deer tick.  The Black Legged tick is a small, oval insect that typically feeds on the blood of wild animals, such as deer, raccoons, fox and mice.  These tiny insects do not jump or fly; they simply attach themselves to an acceptable host as one passes by.

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