6 10, 2015

WEAU: Stopping the Cool-Weather “Spider Surge”

October 6th, 2015|News, Pest Prevention, Spiders, Wisconsin Pest Control|

They’re creepy, they’re crawly and they certainly don’t belong in your house. Halloween has come early this year and we’ve had an abundance of spider calls!

3 09, 2015

Lady Beetles, Box Elder Bugs, Cluster Flies – Oh My!

September 3rd, 2015|Beetles, Box Elder Bugs, boxelder bugs, Fall Pests, Pest Prevention|

September means back to school, the return of cooler weather and the invasion of over-wintering pests. Over-wintering pests are those pesky creatures that move into structures in the fall, camp out and lay dormant all winter, and then emerge with abandon at the first sign of warm weather. The most common over-wintering pests in the upper Midwest include Asian lady beetles, box elder bugs and cluster flies.

Pest control companies receive an influx of calls in the spring when these pests try to exit homes or businesses. The best way to avoid seeing them in the spring though, is to prevent them from entering your home or business in the fall. So, how do you keep over-wintering pests out?

31 08, 2015

How To Avoid Yellow Jackets And Their Stings

August 31st, 2015|Pest Prevention, Stinging Insects|

Yellow jackets are certainly worthy of avoiding, as insect stings are the leading cause of death from venomous creatures. While they are not noted for being extremely aggressive, yellow jackets will sting people if they feel physically threatened. They will also fervently defend their nest if they think that it is being disturbed.

12 08, 2015

Real Milwaukee: Do you have carpenter ants in your home?

August 12th, 2015|Ants, News|

The ants come marching one by one – and then before you know it –they’re everywhere! Randy Allen talks with Real Milwaukee on tips to prevent and identify Wisconsin’s most common summer pest.

12 08, 2015

Menomonee Falls Now: Buggin Out with Wil-Kil Pest Control: Send those ants marching!

August 12th, 2015|Ants, News|

MENOMONEE FALLS NOW August 11TH 2015 MENOMONEE FALLS, WI Carpenter ants have been ranked one of the most destructive and economically influential pest affecting homes [...]

5 08, 2015

Mosquito Season In The Great Lakes Region

August 5th, 2015|Mosquito control, Mosquitoes, Pest Prevention|

 Here in the Wisconsin, we’re no strangers to mosquitoes.  How can we be when we live in the great lakes region and water is a major attraction to these pests? More than a nuisance though, mosquitoes are a serious threat to health. 

29 07, 2015

Carpenter Ant Denial

July 29th, 2015|Ants, Wisconsin Pest Control|

Are you living in denial? It is easy to do--especially with carpenter ants. But if you live in Wisconsin, you can't afford to ignore the warning signs of a carpenter ant infestation. Carpenter ants chew their way through support beams and load-bearing studs as they grow nest after nest in the walls of your home. If left unchecked, you could end up with damage that can never be repaired.

17 07, 2015

Does Your Milwaukee Home Feel Like A Flea Circus?

July 17th, 2015|Flying Insects, Pest Prevention|

If might be fascinating to watch tiny fleas doing amazing feats of strength, swinging on a trapeze, diving from a high place into a pool of water or being fired from a canon, but in your home, they are far from entertaining. Fleas leave itchy, irritating bites on you and your pets--bites that can mean loss of hair and sickness for your pet, and dangerous illnesses for you and your family.

1 07, 2015

How To Enjoy a Pest Free Fourth of July

July 1st, 2015|Mosquitoes, Pest Prevention|

No one wants to have pests raining on their Fourth of July fun. The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday! It is a great time to get together with family and friends and celebrate Independence Day with a family cook out, maybe catch a parade in town and watch the fireworks at night. This is a great opportunity to make great memories with your family and friends. It is not a time to be dealing with unwanted pests. Unfortunately with the nicer weather also comes more outdoor pests and sometimes they even welcome themselves indoors.

25 05, 2015

EnviroGuard Takes Care Of Ants In Wisconsin Homes

May 25th, 2015|Ants, Pest Prevention|

Ants, even though they are not considered to be dangerous, disease-transmitting insects, are tenacious pests that relentlessly continue to be a nuisance to Wisconsin homeowners. While carpenter ants are capable of invoking damage to the wooden components of the house and must be dealt with, most other ants are simply labeled as nuisances. Even then, no one likes the idea of ants crawling around on counter tops and inside cupboards and cabinets. Unless they are eradicated, these nuisance ants will get inside containers and contaminate food.

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