Close up of lit tiki torch in backyard.

Once mosquitoes start buzzing and biting, people will do anything to try and keep this annoying pest at bay. Anyone knows you need to be prepared to keep pests away to enjoy grilling out, bonfires, camping and our favorite summer past times. People might spend hundreds of dollars trying to keep mosquitoes away and be hesitant to hire a professional service. Check out our breakdown of popular mosquito repellents to see how Terminix Wil-Kil’s service stacks up in terms of both cost and results.

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1) Citronella Candles

Citronella candles are a popular go-to for DIY mosquito control. While they may provide a relaxing scent, the candles are not effective mosquito fighters because the oils evaporate quickly as the candle burns. Citronella oil may help repel mosquitoes in a close proximity, but the amount put out by a candle will not be very helpful. Most citronella candles only contain 5% citronella or less.

What’s it costing me? Citronella candles cost about $5-$10 dollars. Let’s say you buy 5 to put around various places in your yard such as near the pool, bonfire or patio seating. You’re spending $25 -$50 every few weeks throughout the summer, depending on how often you burn them. On top of this, they aren’t as effective as some other treatment methods.

2) Bug Control Spray

Bug control sprays containing oils like lemon and eucalyptus are more effective than citronella at keeping bites at bay. However, repellents keep mosquitoes away for a few hours at a time need to be reapplied frequently – making it costly for it to maintain its effects.

What’s it costing me? The average can of mosquito repellent comes in a 4 or 6-ounce bottle and costs anywhere from $8-$10. Say you buy a few bottles for family and friends to use. You could be spending $16-$20 for one round of attempted repelling and a few sessions of outdoor activities. This might work for occasional camping trips, but who wants to cover themselves up in smelly bug spray every time they want to enjoy their backyard?

3) Homemade Mosquito Repellent

Are you someone who has gotten into the trend of essential oils? A lot of people attempt to make their own DIY repellents, candles or traps. These products provide minimal relief (if any), and frequent re-application. Creating your own mix also may or may not work depending on the ingredients used, amounts, and how well everything stays combined in the mixture.

What’s it costing me? Common oils in homemade mosquito repellents like eucalyptus, lemon, geranium, rosemary, clove, and peppermint cost between $15 and $25 for a bottle ranging from 5ml to an ounce. Many recipes call for a combination of a few different oils and even additional ingredients such as rubbing alcohol. You’re looking at least $50 to purchase various oils, ingredients, and maybe even your own spray bottles. Because essential oils are typically sold in small amounts, you may be spending a lot to replenish your supply of oils as well as making up more repellent.

4) Repellent lanterns, torches and UV-traps

Mosquito lanterns, torches and UV-traps will fight mosquitoes to an extent just like candles or repellents. They will only cover the immediate area where you place them. Keeping in mind the amount of solution being released from something like a torch or lantern is most likely not enough to be very effective.

What’s it costing me? Mosquito repellent lanterns range from $16- $30. Depending on how fancy you like to get, a lantern or UV-trap can cost anywhere from $70- $200. Although they may last longer than some of the other methods, they aren’t any more effective and you will likely need to purchase several to notice an impact – which can quickly add up.

5) Insecticides and Mosquito Misting Systems:

Mosquito insecticides that you apply to your yard yourself contain stronger chemicals, and are therefore more effective. However, we strongly recommend hiring a pest professional to apply a treatment. Terminix Wil-Kil’s EPA registered formula is safe for people and pets, where certain chemicals found insecticides can be very dangerous when applied incorrectly.

What’s it costing me? Depending on the volume and chemicals used, many can be close to $100. Mosquito misting systems are a much more high-tech solution, costing at least $1,200 – much more than it costs to hire a Terminix Wil-Kil professional.

Save on Wisconsin Mosquito Control

Luckily, Terminix Wil-Kil is dedicated to saving you time and money so all you have to do is sit back this summer without having to swat away mosquitoes or run to the store for a product every week. You and two neighbors can enjoy mosquito and tick control for just $49/month per yard. All you need is three adjacent backyards to qualify for this treatment.

      • Each neighbor only pays $49/month for backyard mosquito and tick control (yards MUST be neighboring each other to be effective).
      • The application only lasts 30 minutes and you don’t need to be home.
      • Enjoy more effective treatment when it is applied to surrounding areas.
      • Treatment is EPA-registered, meaning it’s safe for your family and pets.


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How Much Does Mosquito Control Cost in Sun Prairie, WI?

Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across WI.

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