Pantry pests are a major nuisance when they infest your home in Wisconsin. Not only are bugs in your food disgusting, they are also difficult to get rid of. And with many homeowners turning to spring cleaning projects this month, we wanted to make sure you know about common Wisconsin pantry pests before you go ahead and start cleaning the kitchen cabinets and food pantry.

There are many different species of food infesting pests under the category of pantry pests. But the type that our team of WI pest control pros most often find in homes Green BayEau Claire and throughout Wisconsin are:

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Saw-toothed grain beetle

Indian-meal moth

Red flour beetle

Cigarette beetle

Depending on the life stage of these pantry pests, you may find larvae, adults or both if you do have a pantry pest infestation. The foods most susceptible to hosting pantry pests are packed foods such as cereals, pancake mix, macaroni, crackers, spices and even pet food.

It is important to know that pantry pests are harmless for the most part and only in some cases have they been known to cause irritations or allergic reactions in humans. But either way, no one wants to open a box of cereal to find it crawling with the larvae of beetles or moths. So, to help avoid future panty pest infestations, here are some ways to prevent these stored product pests in the future.

  • Inspect food packages at the grocery store to make sure they have no signs of damage or pests.
  • Get rid of the items in your food pantry and kitchen cabinets that have not been used in a long time.
  • Clean out the cupboards and make sure to store open foods in airtight containers. This will also help control other pests such as ants or roaches.
  • If you are not going to use something within a reasonable amount of time, consider purchasing a smaller package of the item rather than bulk.

If you do happen to find pantry pests in your home and you live in MadisonMilwaukee or anywhere in Terminix Wil-Kil’s service area, please contact us today!

Pantry Pests In WI Show Their Faces During Spring Cleaning in Sun Prairie, WI

Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across WI.

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