:Tag:termite control
27 03, 2015

Even Uncle Sam Needs Pest Control

March 27th, 2015|Termites|

When you think of the U.S. Government you think of high-tech spy satellites, stealth bombers, cutting edge surveillance technologies and rooms filled with men and women debating the solutions to our world's problems. You don't think of termites. But even Uncle Sam has had its share of insect invasion.

6 03, 2015

Termite Prevention Tips For Termite Awareness Week

March 6th, 2015|Termites|

When you are a homeowner, spring can take on a whole new meaning. It is not just warmer weather and melting snow. Don't take spring at face value. You also must be prepared for the next generation of household pests that will begin to come out in full force. With that in mind, March 15th to March 21st has been dedicated as Termite Awareness Week. Arguably the most destructive of all pests who can invade your home, the National Pest Management Association wants to spread awareness throughout the country about termites who annually cause billions of dollars in damage across the U.S.

27 02, 2015

Termite Swarms Demystified

February 27th, 2015|Termites|

Have you seen a swarm? Have you wondered what type of insect would fill the skies, engulf a street light, and cover a whole side of your house? There are a few of them. But we are going to focus on the worst one of them all.

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