
What is an ant?

There are four types of small ants found in Wisconsin and throughout our region.  They include:

All four species are approximately 1/16 of an inch to 1/4 of an inch in length. These are very social insects who typically reside underground in colonies.  Pavement ants are considered one of the most common household pests in our area and will make nests inside walls and insulation and under floors.

Why do I have ants?

Ants, like many other insects, are active in homes and other buildings during the winter months.  Typically, they are found in slab-on-grade dwellings, such as townhouses or in the basement of houses. They are found in these locations because they are soil dwellers and survive the winter beneath the concrete slabs of heated buildings.  They may be seen in winter, foraging in our kitchens for sweets, fats and proteins.  Ants have a wide variety of nesting habits and food preferences.  Some ants build nests in soil, producing characteristic mounds while others nest in homes behind moldings, baseboards, countertops and similar places.

Are they dangerous?

Most ants are primarily a nuisance and cause little damage.  Although there are no diseases associated with ants,they may infest food and can weaken wood in structures.

How do I get rid of ants?

Getting rid of ants can be a difficult task as they are elusive creatures and their numbers are large.  If the nest is not destroyed, the ants will keep coming back.  Contacting Wil-Kil Pest Control is the most effective way to ensure your property is kept free of ants.  We offer a home protection plan for year round protection from ants and other pests.

Can I do it myself?

Do-it-yourself ant treatments and products are not usually effective and may only eradicate foraging ants and not the entire nest.  Ant traps that are set in kitchens can be dangerous if picked up by a child.  They may contain pesticides that can be harmful to people and pets if they are misused or mixed improperly.

How soon can you get here?

At Wil-Kil Pest Control, our goal is to help you as quickly as possible, causing you the least inconvenience, while eliminating your ant problems in the most cost effective manner.  We make every effort to get to you the same or very next day.

How can I prevent this in the future?

Trying to discourage ants from invading the home can be a frustrating task.  Proper food storage and waste management will reduce the food that often attracts worker ants indoors. Clean all spills and crumbs from kitchen surfaces, vacuum daily and rinse recyclable containers before storage.  If preventative measures haven’t helped and ants have infested your Milwaukee, Eau Claire, or Madison property, call Wil-Kil Pest Control as soon as you spot them to prevent a larger ant problem.

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