Fruit Flies

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Fruit Flies

Color: Fruit flies are tan or brownish-yellow or brownish-black with red eyes. The thorax of the fruit fly may be darker than the rest of its body.

Characteristics: Fruit flies thrive in kitchens, where they can be found swarming near newly decaying fruit, vegetables, or other decaying organic matter.

Size: Adult fruit flies are about ⅛ of an inch long.

Danger Level: Potentially dangerous, but mainly due to diseases they may pick up and spread from other areas/surfaces, including sewers and garbage.

What are fruit flies?

Fruit flies get their name from their small size and their penchant for laying eggs near fruits. They are often found near decaying fruit, vegetables, or other organic matter. Females lay their eggs near these surfaces, often in clutches of about 500. These eggs then hatch 30 hours later. Young fruit flies often develop in or near the fruit. While their lifespan is short—eight to ten days on average—their reproductive potential is huge. This is why you often see them in swarms.

Why do I have fruit flies?

Fruit flies are tiny, and can therefore get into your home via small cracks or even regular door or window screens. Fruit flies may also enter your home along with your groceries, such as fruit, vegetables, or poorly-sealed jars or bottled goods that have already been infested by fruit fly larvae. Fruit flies around your home may also be attracted to gardens, compost piles, and unsealed garbage cans.

Are fruit flies dangerous?

Fruit flies are generally considered a nuisance pest for a variety of reasons, namely because they do not bite or sting. They can—and often do—visit unsanitary areas, such as garbage and sewers. Once landing on and visiting these places, they can pick up bacteria or other pathogens into your home. Great care should be taken to eliminate the spread of diseases due to fruit flies.

How do I get rid of fruit flies? Is treatment safe?

The best way to get rid of fruit flies is to try and prevent them in the first place. While there are treatments available, it’s best to call a pest professional to help determine the fruit flies’ breeding site and remove conditions that are favorable to them. The products we use to deal with fruit flies are EPA registered for pest control use. Your Wil-Kil pest technician will fully explain treatment options before use.

How do I prevent fruit flies?

There are several great ways to keep fruit flies from infesting your home, but some of the best include:

  • Regularly cleaning all eating areas
  • Ensuring food is properly stored
  • Inspecting produce, jars, and bottled foods before buying
  • Discarding overripe and decaying fruits and vegetables
  • Sealing leaky pipes and water fixtures
  • Sealing cracks in windows or screens

Of course, if you have questions about fruit fly prevention for your Wisconsin home or business, contact Wil-Kil Pest Control. Our expert technicians can help identify conditions and issues in and around your home that may be an open invitation to fruit flies and other pests. To learn more about fruit fly and pest prevention, give us a call today!

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