Meadow Volesdeveloper2025-01-08T17:01:47-05:00
Meadow Voles
Meadow Vole Traits
Actual Size: 3.5 to 5”, up to 8” including the tail
Characteristics: Rough brown and black fur, short legs, and hidden ears.
Habitat: Typically found in underground burrows within fields or dense foliage.
- Also known as a “meadow mouse” or “field mouse.”
- Usually only seen outside, as they are not good at climbing.
- Extensive tunnel builders, leading to damaged landscaping and property.
Meadow Voles in Wisconsin
The meadow vole, often referred to as the “meadow mouse” or “field mouse,” is a species found throughout North America. Although they resemble rats and mice, they are distinguished by their shorter tails and stocky, cylindrical bodies. Unlike many rodents, meadow voles are not climbers, so they are rarely found within buildings. Instead, they thrive underground, creating complex networks of runways and tunnels that can harm lawns and landscaping. These small mammals reproduce rapidly and love to consume plants, with a preference for grasses and seeds.
Meadow Vole Habitat
Meadow voles occasionally venture out of their homes, but they mainly reside in their underground burrow systems. These burrows are short and shallow, with nests constructed from grass, stems, and leaves, typically hidden beneath a layer of grass or ground cover for protection. By lifting the excessive vegetation, you might uncover their pathways. Additional signs of vole activity include freshly cut green grass and small, greenish droppings approximately 3/16ths of an inch long near their burrow entrances.
Meadow Vole Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers
Meadow voles are not much of a health risk since they rarely interact with people, but they can still carry diseases such as plague and tularemia. While they typically avoid entering homes, they are a significant nuisance to property owners because of the extensive harm they cause to orchards, young trees, and agricultural crops during their search for food. Meadow voles are also notorious for gnawing on tree trunks both above and below ground level, as well as damaging lawns, golf courses, and ground covers. If you suspect an infestation, it’s best to reach out for our assistance immediately.
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Meadow Voles in Sun Prairie, WI
Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across WI.
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