:Tag:stinging insects
11 08, 2021

When Wasps Attack: Signs of a Wasp Infestation and How to Prevent One

August 11th, 2021|Blog, Pest Prevention, Stinging Insects|

Wasps are among the most intimidating stinging insects to encounter. While many bees can only sting you once, wasps can sting multiple times. Stings are [...]

1 10, 2019

Why Bees & Wasps Are Worse In The Fall

October 1st, 2019|Stinging Insects|

The reason bees and wasps are worse in the fall, is because there are more of them. Emerging from hibernation in early summer, bees and wasps usually max out their living space as fall is just beginning, and sometimes as early as summer's end.

7 07, 2015

Menomonee Falls NOW: Buggin’ Out with Wil-Kil Pest Control

July 7th, 2015|News|

It’s finally summer and yellow jackets, wasps and hornets are joining the cast of pests ready to ruin the day for outdoor enthusiasts. Stinging insects send more than 500,000 people to the emergency room each year and become increasingly more active as the summer progresses. So, if you’re looking to soak up the sun this summer, exercise extra caution around these pests and take steps to prevent them with these four tips.

30 04, 2015

Stinging Insects In Milwaukee

April 30th, 2015|Stinging Insects|

Raise your hand if you like getting stung. I didn't think so. But when many homeowners see bees, hornets, wasps or yellow jackets fly by in spring, they simply go back inside and do nothing about it. Most homeowners don't realize that spring is when you stop these stinging insects in their tracks. Here's why.

19 08, 2014

Stinging Insect Populations Soar As The Summer Comes To An End

August 19th, 2014|Stinging Insects|

By the end of the summer, wasp populations tend to be at their peak and wasp activity outside the nest seems to be at its peak too! If you are seeing wasps now, there’s a good chance as the summer wears on, the populations will only increase.

30 07, 2014

Is Your Property Attracting Stinging Insects?

July 30th, 2014|Stinging Insects|

You probably spend a lot of time in your yard during the spring and summer months. You may have a vegetable or flower garden that you like to spend the morning or afternoons enjoying. The more time you spend outdoors, the greater your chances of getting stung by a stinging insect.

22 07, 2013

Mosquitoes: Identification, Prevention And Control

July 22nd, 2013|Mosquito control, Mosquito control, Mosquitoes|

Mosquitoes in Wisconsin are out for blood! Okay, so really its just female mosquitoes and that’s because they need it in order to reproduce but the fact remains they are out this summer and are invading bbq’s and other outdoor events leaving behind annoying (potentially dangerous) mosquito bites.

13 09, 2012

Stinging Insects Remain Active This Fall In Wisconsin

September 13th, 2012|Stinging Insects|

The days may be getting shorter and the temperatures beginning to cool but despite the shift from summer to fall, we have not seen the last of summer pests. Stinging insects remain a serious threat to homeowners in Milwaukee, Madison and throughout Wisconsin during the fall months as their colonies are abundant. This means a greater risk of finding a nest on your property or inside of your home, as well as a greater risk of getting stung.

10 09, 2012

Is That A Yellowjacket or Paper Wasp?

September 10th, 2012|Stinging Insects|

Have European Paper Wasps taken over this year? I have not seen a single paper wasp nest with the species Northern Paper Wasp (Polistes fuscatus) but I have see lots of European Paper Wasps (Polistes dominula). I am very curious to see if you are experiencing the same thing. I have included pictures of the two species along with a picture of a yellowjacket for your reference.

10 08, 2012

Wisconsin’s Most Wanted Pests of Summer

August 10th, 2012|Ants, Mosquitoes, Stinging Insects|

If you would like to report a sighting of mosquitoes, stinging insects, or ants in your home or business, please contact us at Wil-Kil Pest Control.

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